Private detective Kiev

Confidentiality is one of the main elements services provided by our detective agency.

Fandorin detective agency provides services of a private detective in Kiev.


By law or justice?

Speaking of debt ... For example, a good friend, work colleague or close friend has approached you with a request to borrow money for a short period of time. Naturally, you could not refuse and helped, or rather rescued the one who asked. But the return period has expired, and they are in no hurr.. Read more...


Alphonse and swindlers.

Speaking of marriage scams... The 21st century is an era of crazy turmoil and constant haste, limited time. It is problematic to meet a man (girl) for a real relationship on the street or in a cafe. A large percentage of single people face such a problem and solve it with the help of dating sites... Read more...


Finding stolen property if you have been robbed.

If we talk about a situation where you have lost something ... The search for stolen property is a delicate job, it requires a detailed analysis of what happened, action analytics, a search strategy, diligence, and a professional approach to certain events. People turn to the government. authoritie.. Read more...


Independent investigation

If we talk about an independent investigation ... Restoration of justice, competent and prompt protection of the client's rights is the key to success. Specialists of the Fandorin detective agency are aimed at promptly solving problematic issues that arise during the creation of civil or criminal c.. Read more...


401 Ways to Take Money Honestly

Ostap Bender knew 401 ways to take money relatively honestly. One of them consisted in "becoming a polygamist and quietly moving from city to city, carrying along an old suitcase with valuable things seized from a third wife." A simple enrichment technique described in the novel by Ilf and Petrov "T.. Read more...


Debtor search

If we talk about tracing the debtor... Very often people are faced with a problem, namely, they lend money to their friends, colleagues, time passes, but for some reason they do not return the debt. People change jobs, phone numbers, residence addresses, etc. It is not so easy to start the search.. Read more...


Checking business partners

If we talk about business partners ... If you do not check the likely counterparty with whom you are negotiating a deal, you can end up with complications, difficulties that will lead to disastrous results. As is customary, the security services are engaged in collecting information about a poten.. Read more...


Debt collection

Debt collection is a very urgent problem today. The number of debtors has increased by 60% since the beginning of this year. Debt collection is carried out not only by state services, private contractors, but also by qualified specialists working in the legal field. Unfortunately, the decision of t.. Read more...


Fandorin detective agency. Private detective Kiev.

The Fandorin detective agency searches for people, collects information of any complexity, and conducts independent investigations. Experienced detectives work 24/7.